What happens when a video game character is self-aware?Target of Desire follows the stories of Maia and Maria. Maia is a video game character who is followed by men in suits everywhere she goes, and she doesnt know why. She fights for survival while trying to solve her mystery and understand her reality.Maria is a cryptic character. The only thing that she reveals about herself is that she "works at the University." She blogs (and is on social media) under the username of "IamNamedMaria", where she speculates about the nature of reality.There are many subtle details in Target of Desire. Visit the Target of Desire Wiki on Fandom (TargetOfDesire.Wikia.com) to learn more about what is going on and discuss your theories.This is a very short game.You cant control Maia.There is no audio.The challenge is to understand the game. The challenge is not the gameplay.